I don't know about you, but I sometimes think about being part of something bigger or greater than me.
It's not that I'm arrogant or have a huge ego that needs to be constantly stroked (okay, I have a small ego that's needs to be stroked every once in a while), but sometimes, life is pretty mundane. And when it gets really mundane, all of us - including me - rhetorically ask, "isn't there more to life than this?"
The answer to that question - whether we believe it or not - is, "yes! There is more to this life." Each one of us, in our own unique way is a part of the magnificent puzzle or mosaic of God' Eternal Plan. The problem is that we - I - only see a very small part of that plan. Sometimes we're oblivious to it. Other times, we may not believe we are "worthy" of participating in God's Plan.
The fact of the matter is that God - since man's creation - has continually used men and women as an integral part of His Plan of Redemption. After all, God's Plan of Redemption is for MAN and no other created being. The only other rebellious created beings are angels (now demons) who were created with a will , but not in God's likeness and image, and are already condemned without hope of redemption. Hell was created for their - and anyone who would choose to follow their example - rebellion and disobedience. These are facts that we have to not only understand but contend with.