For the Christian, that's not a true statement.
God has the power to resurrect anyone and anything. In the final judgement, God will indeed resurrect everyone who has ever walked the earth. Some will pass into eternal glory and everlasting life while sadly, many others will be condemned to eternal punishment and separation from their Creator - whether they believe in Him or not.
But I'm getting way ahead of myself.
The Easter season is my favorite. Easter doesn't have the hoopla of Christmas, and I guess that's one of the reasons why I like it so much. There's less busyness; less preparation. As I think and write about the Easter season in general and Resurrection Sunday in particular, my mind is always drawn to the fact that it is not just a single day holiday. It's a holiday celebrated over a long weekend: Good Friday to Easter Sunday. Three days of remembrance; the solemnity of Good Friday, the Saturday of anticipation and the joy of Sunday.