From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, Christians around the world will celebrate the foundation of our faith.
To me, Easter or Resurrection Sunday is the most amazing holiday on the calendar. It is the one religious holiday I look forward to all year long. Easter fulfills the promise of Christmas. Easter is the believers' guarantee of life itself, even unto eternity. We must not take it for granted.
Easter week begins on Palm Sunday with Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Jesus is very busy about His Father's business, whether it's cleansing the temple or teaching His disciples or teaching the crowds. Coming into Thursday (Maundy Thursday as many denominations refer to it), brings the Passover celebration and Jesus' Last Supper.
Good Friday, as awful as it is on its surface, is an incredible day. Jesus takes the earthly beating meant for each and every one of us and heals us ("by His wounds we are healed" Isaiah 53:5 ESV). Finally, Jesus is crucified thereby satisfying the Father's demand of atonement and sacrifice; it is the final and all sufficient sacrifice for all of eternity past and present to restore the relationship between God and man that had been broken so many thousands of years earlier by the simple breaking of the one command that God had given them; don't eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Ponder that for a moment if you will. Adam and Eve only had ONE rule to follow, one command to not break. All that I'll add is the fact that God is pure and holy and His standard is perfection. It is a standard that none of us can come close to.