Today, our nation is besieged literally coast to coast ... wildfires, flooding, severe storms, economic chaos in certain states and cities.
Is this the beginning of God's judgment on this nation; on these United State? I don't know.
Many of us (because we are Bible believing Christians) have been mocked and criticized as we have prayed and cried out to God for grace and mercy.What I do know is that our God - the God of Bible - is holy, just, and merciful. He is always gracious and loving. Always. Please keep in mind that He is also the Supreme Judge of the nations. In His grace, He is long-suffering meaning that He has much patience in waiting for His creation to turn to Him in humility and repentance. He is a God of many, many chances... and yet He (in His justice) has a limit in allowing a people (individually and corporately) to get away with sin.
The God of the Bible guarantees forgiveness if we seek it, however - and listen and understand carefully - He often doesn't free us of or from the consequences of our sin. That should be a sobering truth.