All of us are on a journey through life and each journey is different.
Although different, our journeys may seem similar as we travel along. It's as if we're walking paths that can see each other and at times these paths parallel or intersect each other.
Keep in mind that no two people traverse the exact same course.
For the past five or six years I've been on a journey that I honestly have not liked. At all. Nor would I have dreamt it; but God had a much different plan.
It has been hard and at more times than I want to admit, even heart-breaking. Thankfully, I belong to small group of men that come together every Saturday morning at 7 o'clock to study the Bible, pray and share in each others lives.
I thank God for these men because when the going got really tough and all kinds of stuff was hitting the fan from the middle of 2014 through almost all of 2015, these men - these Christian brothers - were there for me.
In the words of the Apostle Paul to his son in the faith Timothy, my brothers "[Did] not rebuke an older man but encourage him (me) as you would a father, younger men as brothers, in all purity." 1 Timothy 5:1-2. These men came along side me and loved me for who I am; for the man traveling this particular road in life.